Promotional activities in the enterprise


  • Burim Berisha Kosovar, Gjilan, Gjilan and 60000, Kosovo



Factoring, industry, world, Kosovo


If we observe and analyze the important changes in the concept of business management between several countries of the world, we can conclude that there are two concepts of business management, and they are:

- according to the first concept, when it is desired to increase production, all the factors that enter into production are studied, and

- the second, in addition to the study of these factors, market research and forecasts are also included.

Due to mass production, contemporary productions are faced with the problem of sales, because the supply is greater than the demand. The amount of products that cannot be sold is a problem. How to sell these products and release funds in so that they can be included in the reproduction process again, these are questions that must be chosen by the leading structures.

To solve these problems, a new philosophy was born, called marketing. This is the system by which successful companies manage to overcome the sales problem. The marketing approach has changed the attitudes and behaviors of companies, orienting them towards the market and consumers. Under the action of these orientations, companies start from the interests and needs of consumers and adapt their products and business according to them. Such an approach allows you to progress relatively quickly, differentiating yourself from those who have not understood the essence and importance of marketing.

Marketing is a new strategic philosophy which has changed the behavior and appearance of enterprises in their business goals. The change lies in the fact that under the action of marketing, the company has the consumer at the center of all its goals, then plans, strategy and actions, and not only its interests - profit. The needs, demands and wishes of customers are the starting point and orientation for production and business of the enterprise.




How to Cite

Berisha, B. (2024). Promotional activities in the enterprise. Ege Scholar Journal, 1(1), 46–52.