Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ege Scholar Journal (ESJ) aims to create a highly cited scholarly academic platform for study, experienced and beginning librarians in academic, corporate and government settings; and they include in economics, business, law, medicine, arts, pedagogy, psychology, leadership, marketing or management all over the world.

ESJ places great importance on the equitable distribution of knowledge. Because of this, all articles published in the journal are made freely available to the public under the CC-BY license, without any restrictions on global access.

Ege Scholar Journal has taken into account the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as open access while establishing ethical duties and responsibilities.

In accordance with the ethical rules of science, everyone who has different duties and responsibilities in the process (authors, researchers, publishers, referees, editors and field editors) should be sensitive to these rules. Ege Scholar Journal expects all participants to adhere the following ethical responsibilities at all stages of the process within the scope of publication ethics.

Code of Ethics for Authors

* Each study submitted to Ege Scholar Journal is considered to be original by the author(sSubmitting a study that has been previously published elsewhere to our journal is not allowed. Additionally, authors cannot submit the same study to multiple journals simultaneously, nor can they make changes to author responsibilities (such as adding, removing, or changing the order of authors) after the study has been submitted to our journal. If the author/authors benefit from the works of other researchers (language, ideas, graphics, pictures, etc.), they must cite these citations completely and correctly in accordance with the journal rules. Therefore, all authors mentioned in the study are responsible for this situation. In addition, it is unethical to mention the names of people who have contributed to the study but whose names are not mentioned or whose names are mentioned but who have not contributed. If there are situations that may cause conflict of interest in the study, these should be stated.

* The author/authors should base their findings on scientific grounds while preparing their studies. Playing on the findings other than scientific data, producing data without a source are ethical violations, as well as behaviors such as changing, deleting, and playing with some of the data will undermine the credibility of the academician. In addition, the author/authors should avoid disparaging evaluations of individuals and display a style entirely in the light of scientific data.

* Individuals who have not made intellectual contributions to the study should not be listed as authors.. In case of an unfavorable situation, the journal editorial office may request raw data from the author(s) during the publication process. In such a case, the relevant documents must be submitted to the editorial board and advisory board. If subjects are used in the study, there must be documents indicating that their consent has been obtained and that they have obtained the necessary permissions regarding the data used and the analysis/research. In addition, the author/authors can make changes in the study by contacting the editor upon a problem seen at the early appearance stage.

Code of Ethics for Referees

* Ege Scholar Journal uses a double blind review system. The refereeing process is confidential and this information cannot be shared with third parties. Authors and reviewers do not know each other and cannot discuss the manuscript directly. Communication between referees/referees and authors/authors is provided through the editors and the journal website is used for this purpose.

* Two referees who are experts in their fields are assigned to each study submitted to the journal and these referees evaluate the studies according to scientific data within the 30-day period given to them and act impartially. If the results are positive or negative, the study is directed to the third referee.

* In case there is a situation that is not in accordance with scientific ethics or a conflict of interest in the study, the referee/referees should inform the editor. In addition, the referee/referees should use an appropriate style in their evaluations and avoid making comments containing insult, insult, slander, slander, etc.

Code of Ethics for Editors and Field Editors

* The editor/editors are responsible for keeping the peer review process of the articles confidential; not sharing them with third parties; protecting the intellectual property rights of the published articles; acting impartially towards the works uploaded to the journal; protecting the rights of the author/authors and the journal in possible violations; investigating the situation in case of a claim that the article received by the journal is plagiarized, the same article is about to be published or published elsewhere, and not publishing the article if the allegations are true.

When any of the journal editors wants to publish, their authorization in the journal is suspended and will not be activated until the publication process is completed. The process is carried out entirely in line with ethical principles, taking into account the double-blind refereeing system.

Publication Policy

* All transactions in the publication process of the Ege Scholar Journal are made at

* Blind refereeing system is applied in the journal. In order to make an impartial evaluation, information such as author, institution, etc. in the manuscripts sent to the referees is not included.

* Manuscripts submitted to the journal are first examined for compliance with the publication rules. Manuscripts that comply with the publication rules are first evaluated by the editor. Manuscripts that pass the preliminary evaluation of the editor are transferred to the field editors and directed to two referees who are experts in their fields by the field editors. For manuscripts that have received a positive/publishable report from both referees and for which corrections are requested, the authors are contacted by the field editors in line with the referees' reports. Authors are requested to make the corrections requested by the referees and resubmit the manuscript within 15 days at the latest.

* Manuscripts that receive unpublishable reports from both referees are notified to the article owner by attaching the referee reports. In case of a positive report from one referee and a negative report from the other, the opinion of the third referee is sought. Articles are accepted or rejected according to the opinion of the third referee.

* Referees are asked to evaluate the manuscript within 30 days. If the 30-day period expires, a reminder message is sent and an additional period of 10 days is given. At the end of this period, another referee is appointed instead of the referee who does not respond to the evaluation.

* The manuscripts accepted by the referees are uploaded to the system again by the authors within 15 days at the latest by adding the necessary edits and author information (name, surname, institutional information, e-mail, ORCID). The manuscripts uploaded to the system are directed to the language editors appropriate to the content of the article. After the controls are completed by the language editors, the layout of the work is done and the issue is assigned.

Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Approval

Studies requiring Ethics Committee Approval are as follows:

* All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques,

* Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,

* Clinical trials in humans,

* Research on animals,

* Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law.

In cases where ethics committee approval is required, the report should include the name of the ethics committee and the reference number, if any. If it is reported that the study is exempt from ethics committee approval, the reason should be explained to the journal editor.